Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Bye Bye Baby Tooth

Well Miss K lost her first baby tooth today. She's had her two bottom ones loose since Halloween and the new teeth are already out but the first one FINALLY fell out!!!

She was brushing her teeth this morning and ran in to show me the tooth she spit out with her toothpaste. Here's a picture but its hard to tell because her permanent tooth has already grown in so much!

The tooth fairy came tonight and she'll be happy to see a $5 bill and a gold dollar coin. (This won't be a habit with all her teeth mind you, only the first one.) Her dentist gave us two gold dollar coins, one for each tooth that was loose and I've been carrying them around since Halloween!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Stereo Giveaway

Cool, check this out for to win a free stereo. My friend just won a bunch of toys from Parents from this website!



Well its been a bit crazy since coming back from vacation!!! Dad went to the ER on the 1st for falling off the roof while cleaning the gutters, Miss K had yet another bout of pneumonia, and Mom had oral surgery!

After almost a week of nebulizer treatments and visits to the dr Miss K is finally feeling better and went back to school today. She was so happy to be back. Poor kid really missed her class.

I forgot to mention Miss K was the student of the month for October! We are very, very proud of her. I got a magnet type bumper thing that says My child was Student of the Month . . . . She loves seeing it on my truck.

Miss K had her first bit of Christmas this weekend at my girlfriends holiday get together. This year it was at Mrs.T's house. Very yummy dinner and great company. And of course Miss K, Miss J, and Miss J were spoiled!!

Only 14 days until Christmas! I can't believe it. We're about 3/4 done with our shopping. Hopefully will finish this weekend!!

Ho ho ho, hope everyone is having a great Christmas season!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Home from Vacation

We got home today from Orlando. We had a great week thanks to Mom and Dad!!! We spent the beginning of the week visiting Mickey and Disney and Shamu and Sea World then the rest of the week catching up with family and friends. Its nice to be home and Mr. O really missed us but was well cared for while we were gone.

The weather was perfect 70-80 with no humidity. We surprised Miss K with lunch in Cinderella's Castle with the princesses. It was great. H & I were pleasantly surprised with how good the food actually was. K got to see Mary Poppins, Belle, Sleeping Beauty, and Jasmine and of course was greeted by Cinderella. We loved it.

Back to work on Monday but only 4 weeks and we're off for the holidays!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Saw this on two other blogs that I read and I loved the idea, so here is mine:

Thirteen songs that bring memories rushing to my head:SmileyCentral.com

1. Beautiful in My Eyes – Our wedding song. Ten years later and I still stop when I hear it.
2. Good Life by Inner Circle – this song was playing when H asked me to dance at the club we met at when we were 18.
3. I Will Remember You – Reminds me of my sister who passed away when I was a little girl. It always seems to play on the radio when I really need her.
4. Breakaway – Reminds me of my cousin who was taken from us. She could have written almost every word of this song.
5. & 6. Angel & There You’ll Be – I have a lot of songs that remind me of my lost loved ones. These are two of my favorites.
7. I Hope You Dance – I sang this to K all the time as a baby. I still sing it to her and this is my hope for her as she grows.
8. The whole Open Up and Say AHHH album by Poison – Summer of 1988, cruising down by the water in my friend DW’s new Honda CRX that she got for graduation. Had to make sure the right song was blasting from the radio as we drove through the town.
9. When I Hear Music by Shannon or any TKA song – going dancing with my BFF’s Mrs. D and Mrs. T. Ladies Night on Wednesdays and freezing our butts off waiting in line without a coat because we didn’t want to waste our money on checking it in!
10. We Are Family – obviously it makes me think of my family. I can picture all my Aunts dancing to this song at weddings. And both H and my family dancing to it at our wedding. Being crushed by his cousin’s in a giant hug.
11. Parents Just Don’t Understand – I can still picture DW and I rapping it out in my backyard while my Grandparents who were in town visiting watched in horror.
12. Any Three Dog Night song – reminds me of my parents playing that album, yes a record, 33 to be exact – on their kickin’ turntable, radio combination in the dining room.
13. Here Comes Ellie – the made up song my Uncle P used to sing to my cousin while pretending this stuffed elephant was singing. My family sung this to him for years. Actually still comes up in conversation whenever we’re picking on him.

Post Comments

Hi all!

I know people are passing by but let me know you're reading by leaving some comments!!!


Saturday, November 3, 2007

Its been a while!

I can't believe almost a month has passed since I posted! Thanks to everyone for still checking if I've updated.
Its been a crazy month. K's birthday weekend extravaganza went extremely well. The children behaved extremely well and seemed to really have fun. She loved having all her friends around her but did not like being sung Happy Birthday to. So the other two cakes she had we just all screamed HAPPY BIRTHDAY and she blew out the candle. Worked out much better even if its not the norm.

We then had a family Halloween get together with H's family. It was very cute and its always nice to spend time with family but unfortunately my Grandma had passed the day before so I wasn't really into it. Dad and I flew out the next day for the funeral. Its always sad to lose someone but Grandma hasn't been Grandma for a long time and since Grandpa passed 6 months prior, she was now in a better place and with her long time hubby. (Yelling at him for something I'm sure!! SmileyCentral.com ) It was really nice to spend time with my family that I rarely see. Hopefully next year we can meet up for one or two long weekends.
Then came home in time for K's Trick or Treat Street at school. SmileyCentral.comIt was so cute. Mrs. D and J came with the three of us and the girls TOT'd down the hall in K's school and then watched a magician. A fun night topped off by getting a treat for the adults - Starbucks!! SmileyCentral.com YUMMMY!
On Sunday we found out K's two bottom teeth are loose! I can't believe it. But when H looked in her mouth we realized that her permanent teeth are growing behind her baby teeth. We weren't sure if they were too far away to push out her baby teeth so we made an appt for the dentist. (Halloween at 1, which meant taking her out of school and missing her party.) She had her well visit at her Pedi. on Tuesday. Got a shot which she wasn't happy about and otherwise was great. That night she woke up burning up and having a really bad asthma attack. The three of us and the dog were up most of the night. She woke up the next morning with no fever and we chalked it up to a reaction to the shot and her asthma kicking in. She went to her Halloween parade at school which was very cute. H & I went to help the children in her class get into their costumes. She was soooooo happy to have H in her class as he hadn't been there yet.
Off to the dentist. Her teeth are fine and super loose. Mother Nature should be able to have them fall out soon. So the first two teeth she got in her life are on the brink of falling out! She went back to school for a little bit and then we TOT'd at the mall. It was a nice day. Next day I pick her up at school and the first thing she says is I need a treatment. I asked her why she didn't go to the nurse and she sad because the nurse is only for if you fall down and are bleeding. So while driving home I had to explain the function of the school nurse!! I give her a treatment when we get home and she falls asleep while doing it on the couch. Off to the dr we go. She has 101 temp, and ear infection, a sore throat, and her asthma. So she had to miss her very first day of school since it started in Sept. She was not happy about missing Library Day and missing school period. Hopefully she keeps up that love for school.
Busy weekend full of birthday parties and stuff. Thanks for trying to keep up. I'll try to be better about keeping you up!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Pumpkin Picking

We had a great day yesterday. I forget how pretty it is where I live. Out east with the farm stands and the more country atmosphere. The leaves are starting to change. We had nice weather. (Unlike last year where we FROZE!!!)

We left early and avoided a lot of traffic. Went to one place that H scoped out online. They had a corn maze, hayrides, and pumpkin picking. The corn maze was so much fun. K really enjoyed it. It was a Lord of the Rings theme. Here are some pics:

It was a great day followed by a quaint lunch and then back home to relax. I love family days!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Carrie's Contest

Cool contest to enter to win some personalized stuff for the child in your life:


Back from my Trip

Well got back from my trip on Friday night. It went quick the three days but I sure did miss my family. Today was the Homecoming Parade for the local High School. K's school marched in it so K and I did too. She informed me that it wasn't fun because her legs hurt! Luckily H met us with about a 1/4 of the march left and walked with K on his shoulders. Got to speak to K's teacher a little more. The more I talk to her, the more and more I truly like her. She told me that K was sad that I was gone but they were counting down the days until I returned. Very cute.

Tonight was Bingo night at my BFF Mrs. D's house. What fun we had. K & J played in the basement with a few other kids while the Mommy's played Bingo. We laughed, ate, and played. Kendyl passed out in the car ride home.

Tomorrow we're going Pumpkin Picking. A nice little family outing. Can't wait. Hopefully early start and then we can relax in the afternoon.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Fire Safety

Well this month is Fire Safety Month at K's school. Our local Fire Department is having a contest for the best Fire Safety Posters. We are very proud of K's poster that she did tonight. Take a look:

The thing on top that kind of looks like a red bird is really a fire extinguisher. And the BEEP BEEP is a fire alarm. I love the hose she put on the back of the truck, totally her idea.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Fun weekend

Friday was K's Back to School BBQ. H, myself, K, and Mrs. D, and Miss J. went with us. K had so much fun running around with all her new friends and screaming to me everytime someone I hadn't met came up to her. I got two more responses to her party. (Only 4 people have responded from her class so far. GRRRR) I got to chat with some of the parents too which was very nice. One boy's father turned out to be Mrs. D's ex-boyfriends cousin! How weird is that! I was very proud of K because when Miss J would sit down, K always came back to her to check on her before running off with her friends from school again. She made sure to include Miss J in things and not forget about her BFF.

Our girls got to run around the playground and then came back to our house to play together, which is much further in between since starting school. You could tell they were just happy to be together. Even as tired as you could tell they both were, there were no arguments and as Mrs. D and I were practically falling asleep on the couch after enjoying our Starbucks, they were happily playing in K's room with Polly Pockets.

Yesterday, H played in a softball tournament, K had dance, then we went to lunch with Mrs. D & Miss J and then K went with them for a sleepover. I went home and napped until H got home. We got Chinese take out and watched two movies. Kind of lame when we could have done anything but we were both so tired, it was all we wanted to do. But as we said, we did it together and that's whats important!

Today is dinner at BIL and SIL's house. Surf and turf! YUMMY! Going to pick up my little one it a little bit. I missed her terribly last night.

I have to go away for work next week for three days. K is not going to be happy about that. She freaked when I went to Michigan in April for Grandpa's funeral and being as emotional as she's been since starting school, I'm sure its going to be worse those three days.

Off to go get my baby!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Oh boy am I in for it!

Well we had our first homework session tonight! Miss K declared I don't like homework ITS BORING! And proceeded to fight me for the first 10 minutes of an assignment that should have taken 5 minutes!

We made it through finally. Ok, Mommy do I have homework ALL THE TIME?!?!?!

Then I made the mistake of going to our cousin's for dinner tonight. No more things on a school night. She freaked when we had to leave. It was already past her bedtime. She proceeded to cry and yell for the first 5 minutes of our drive. Then we had a nice talk about Kindergarten. She has decided it is too hard. Montessori was easy, this is hard. I can't do it Mommy, I just can't. :( Broke my heart. I explained to her how we learn things. Learning isn't always easy but its a part of life. She is a such a smart little girl. I know she can do anything. It turned into a great talk and moment for me until . . .

We started talking about the months and she actually argued with me that their was no March. I mean this girl ARGUED about it. Then started crying and yelling. (Can we say overtired?) I had to pull out the school calendar when we got home and prove to her I actually know the months of the year! Later, it came out that on one of the boards at school they have the months. Next to the months is a birthday cake for any child in the class that has a birthday. There's no birthdays in March. So I said, ok but Kendyl there's still going to be a March even if there are no birthdays in the Happy Hearts class of her school! Aye Aye Aye! I'm in trouble~~~

Touching E-mail

I received this e-mail today from my BFF, Mrs. T. It really hits things home. So much of my life has been sad but SO much more has been good. I have a beautiful daughter, a handsome, loving and great husband, and am surrounded by awesome family and friends that have become family. I know things in my life aren't where I want them to be. I know there are so many people in my life that aren't here anymore that I miss terribly and that their deaths have changed me. I cannot let these tragedies and life circumstances drain me of the happiness that I do have in my life.

Thank you all for being part of that happiness!

Here's the e-mail:

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that
wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You
will have your heart broken probably more than once and
it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so
remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight
with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things
an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast,
and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too
many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never
been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset
is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. Don't be
afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ladies Night

Well last night I had a Ladies Only party. I had a good turn out from family and friends. We had laughs, munchies, and a few drinks. I really needed a few hours of fun. We spent the time before it running around with dance and swimming and trying to get the place in order plus make all the munchies. (Tastefully Simple stuff of course!)

Sent out Miss K's birthday invitations. Got the last two addresses I needed so those will go out on Monday. I can't believe her birthday is three weeks away.

After care on Friday went well. She was out on the playground when I went to pick her up. She was EXHAUSTED and we attempted to go to a Chinese Buffet for dinner and she fell asleep in the car. Poor baby. But she woke up good and ate like crazy!!

We completed her first project today. We had to decorate a folder, front and back, with people, places, and things Kendyl can write about. They are doing a writing workshop and will use these pictures as inspiration. Here is the picture:

We found clipart, pictures and stickers of things she likes. We printed them and the three of us cut and glued it to the folder. It was a fun family project. She put in pictures of herself with her BFF Miss J and her sister Miss G. Along with her cousin Mr. J from PR and her baby cousins Miss C and Miss T. (Also in the middle is the three of us and we couldn't forget our fur friend Mr. O!) I think it came out really well.

We also got some downtime at home today which is rare these days! Miss K and I cuddled on the couch and watched the new Barbie movie, Barbie is the Island Princess or something like that. Then we went to Titi's for a BBQ. Probably one of the last for the season. :(

Overall it was a nice weekend. Miss K asked me tonight when school was going to end. *SIGH* I told her not for a long time. She replied "Like Montessori?"

Oh I forgot this Miss K funny! She was telling my Mom on Friday how she didn't want to go to aftercare. My Mom said she had to b/c her and my Dad weren't going to be home. So Miss K says to my Mom, "Well, Nana, you can give a key!" LOL Like CPS wouldn't be banging down my door for having a 4 year old latch key kid. Plus the bus driver won't even let her off the bus if an adult isn't there! Too funny the things they come out with.

So I'm hoping for a better week this week. No crying about going to school this weekend. Although she didn't want to go to dance and she didn't want to go to swimming! But she went to both and had a great time!! Swimming is over now so its just school and dance on Saturdays now.

Friday, September 21, 2007


I just re-read my post. It should have been adjusting "hasn't" been easy for her or me.

But you probably got that!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Welcome to my blog!

Ok, been checking out everyone's blogs and decided to try my own! So here it is in the primitive state.

September has been one crazy month! Miss K started Kindergarten on September 5th. I had a mental breakdown the night before. Sobbed uncontrollably for almost 30 minutes. All while H was sleeping on the couch. Even the dog slept through it. Usually Mr. O is there to lend a paw and comfort me. They must have all thought I flipped my lid. Maybe O was prentending to sleep because of that! :)

So we wake up the morning of the 5th, get her ready, eat breakfast, take pictures, and head to myMom's. (Since my hours are before and after she gets on and off the bus, she is bussed to and from my parents house.) Get to my parents, take more pictures and head to the bus stop. Miss K is laughing and playing and asking, where is the bus? Bus comes down the road, just as Miss K is getting on the bus, my sister-in-law(SIL) pulls up in the nick of time to wave and smile! Miss K smiles and waves, more pictures and the bus is off. A few tears are shed by me and my SIL and I jump in our (new!) car and head to the school.

SIL and I hide behind a tree so Miss K doesn't see us. She's the 6th or 7th bus down. They let the first five off, they pull away and Miss K's bus pulls right in front of us! I hide behind this quite large father, asking him not to mind me, and SIL ducks down. PHEW she didn't see us. WRONG!!! All of a sudden, she looks over, smile BIG, and waves at us. She listens and stays in line and into the school she goes. :( But she had a great first day.

Adjusting to full day Kindergarten has been so easy for her or me. She's exhausted. She's missing seeing so much of Nana and Pop-Pop. (Now its only an hour in the morning and 45 minutes in the afternoon with them.) She's missing me during the day. She's making friends. She's learning. SHE'S CRANKY AT NIGHT!

Our weekday life has totally changed. No more hanging out with our BFF's Mrs. D and Miss J, not until Friday nights or the weekend! Bed time routine starts at 7:30 now. Poor H barely sees Miss K since he doesn't get home until 6:30 from work.

I worry about her all day. I haven't worried this much since I first went back to work when she was 10 weeks old. Of course I *always* think of her during the day but I didn't "worry" unless she was sick. Now I look at the clock and think, she's at lunch, she's at gym, she's on the bus going home. Is she ok? Did someone play with her on the playground? Did someone eat lunch with her?

I thought the age of 3 was rough. This is nothing compared to it. Have to keep it positive but be forceful that this is what she has to do. When inside I want to lock her in her room and put her back in her crib! Can't do that though, so we continue to keep adjusting! Hopefully by June she'll be adjusted. LOL