Thursday, November 8, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Saw this on two other blogs that I read and I loved the idea, so here is mine:

Thirteen songs that bring memories rushing to my

1. Beautiful in My Eyes – Our wedding song. Ten years later and I still stop when I hear it.
2. Good Life by Inner Circle – this song was playing when H asked me to dance at the club we met at when we were 18.
3. I Will Remember You – Reminds me of my sister who passed away when I was a little girl. It always seems to play on the radio when I really need her.
4. Breakaway – Reminds me of my cousin who was taken from us. She could have written almost every word of this song.
5. & 6. Angel & There You’ll Be – I have a lot of songs that remind me of my lost loved ones. These are two of my favorites.
7. I Hope You Dance – I sang this to K all the time as a baby. I still sing it to her and this is my hope for her as she grows.
8. The whole Open Up and Say AHHH album by Poison – Summer of 1988, cruising down by the water in my friend DW’s new Honda CRX that she got for graduation. Had to make sure the right song was blasting from the radio as we drove through the town.
9. When I Hear Music by Shannon or any TKA song – going dancing with my BFF’s Mrs. D and Mrs. T. Ladies Night on Wednesdays and freezing our butts off waiting in line without a coat because we didn’t want to waste our money on checking it in!
10. We Are Family – obviously it makes me think of my family. I can picture all my Aunts dancing to this song at weddings. And both H and my family dancing to it at our wedding. Being crushed by his cousin’s in a giant hug.
11. Parents Just Don’t Understand – I can still picture DW and I rapping it out in my backyard while my Grandparents who were in town visiting watched in horror.
12. Any Three Dog Night song – reminds me of my parents playing that album, yes a record, 33 to be exact – on their kickin’ turntable, radio combination in the dining room.
13. Here Comes Ellie – the made up song my Uncle P used to sing to my cousin while pretending this stuffed elephant was singing. My family sung this to him for years. Actually still comes up in conversation whenever we’re picking on him.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I knew almost all of the songs! Sometimes when I see this meme I barely know any of the songs ppl put down! Good taste you have, Suz!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I knew almost all of the songs! Sometimes when I see this meme I barely know any of the songs ppl put down! Good taste you have, Suz!

Anonymous said...

Love those songs S!!!! Great choices, you took me way back. =0)
Love, Jen

Lisa said...

Wow, good songs!! I must do this one someday!