Well its been a bit crazy since coming back from vacation!!! Dad went to the ER on the 1st for falling off the roof while cleaning the gutters, Miss K had yet another bout of pneumonia, and Mom had oral surgery!
After almost a week of nebulizer treatments and visits to the dr Miss K is finally feeling better and went back to school today. She was so happy to be back. Poor kid really missed her class.
I forgot to mention Miss K was the student of the month for October! We are very, very proud of her. I got a magnet type bumper thing that says My child was Student of the Month . . . . She loves seeing it on my truck.
Miss K had her first bit of Christmas this weekend at my girlfriends holiday get together. This year it was at Mrs.T's house. Very yummy dinner and great company. And of course Miss K, Miss J, and Miss J were spoiled!!
Only 14 days until Christmas! I can't believe it. We're about 3/4 done with our shopping. Hopefully will finish this weekend!!
Ho ho ho, hope everyone is having a great Christmas season!